Saturday, September 16, 2006

Post Op

I had surgery this past Tuesday. The surgery required the use of general anesthesia. Something I met with some trepidation. The last time I got knocked out with general anesthesia was 21 years ago. It made me sick for days afterward. I still remember it.

Despite medicine and the patch behind my ear, the same thing happened this time. But, I did get anti-nausea medicine which helped a lot. I was able to keep food down and the splitting headache went away.

I always look for the amusing or goofy things in these situations. The lack of drama is what amused me. I had to arrive at the hospital at 5AM (surgery was scheduled for 7:30) so they could do bloodwork to make sure I was okay to operate on. Spent most of my time sitting in a LaZBoy chair.

Then I was taken to to the pre-op room via wheelchair. It's basically a large staging area for prepping people for the OR. There were curtained stalls along one side with gurneys and a small section with rocking chairs on the other. I was seated in a rocking chair.

My sister was with me and we visited while other people slowly filled the room. Then I saw my doctor walk in with his scrubs on. It was odd for me as I've seen him alot this past year--but, never in scrubs, just business clothes and a lab coat. He waived "hi" and said he'd be back in a bit.

After my doctor reviewed my lab results, he came over and said I was ready to go and he'd see me in the OR. Soon after, a nurse came and led me to the OR. No wheelchair this time.

We walked down a hallway, made a few turns, entered some doors, and there I was in the OR. I saw my doctor sitting off to the side visiting with the anesthesiologist. I said, "Is this it?" He laughed and said, "Yes, it is." The room was big with a table in the center. The nurse anesthesiologist pointed me to the table and told me where my head was to go. So, I hopped up on the table and laid down. (This was the anticlimactic part.)

The last thing I remember was her putting the IV in my hand and me talking about my landscaping and fall planting project.


At 2:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan,I hope you are better soon


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