Sunday, March 09, 2008

An Anniversary of Sorts

On March 21, it will be 2 years since I started this blog at the nudging of my friend Bob (check out his blog at the Piran Cafe link to the right of this page). Back then I was a heart-broken person who had returned to Iowa from Atlanta after a failed relationship. I am grateful to say that I am no longer heart-broken. It took some time, but hearts DO mend. Really, if mine can mend, anyone's can mend.

Part of my inspiration for the title Open Dialogue is my idealistic fondness for the Chicago song "Dialogue Part I and II". And, of all things, that song is coming of my iPod as I type this entry. Another example of music playing out my life's story.

One of my first entries was a tribute to my father. It is the best thing I have written on this blog. Click on March 2006 under Archives and read "NPR on AM".