Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ahhhhhh, home

I have discovered what makes a house a home. It happened this afternoon as my new wash machine and dryer were delivered. A load of blues is washing as I type this entry. (And, my is it quiet!) It's surprising how happy major home appliances can make a person feel.

Other things that have filled me with a feeling of joy/happiness recently include:

The movie "Once". A movie that purports to be a remaking of the musical genre. But, I disagree. It's a delightful movie. However, it is no musical. People who want to remake the musical into something that is more "realistic" don't get the idea of a musical. It's not supposed to be realistic. It's supposed to be entertaining. With that said, "Once" is a good movie with great music.

The TV show "Arrested Development". This is a recent discovery that occured when I decided to rent TV shows instead of movies from Blockbuster. My luck with movies was dismal. To my delight, there is a plethora of TV shows on DVD that I have never seen. I was warned by the Blockbuster guy that the show takes a while to get into. Maybe it's all the years I've spent in architecture, but I got it right away.

The last thing that brings joy to me lately is the change in weather from oppressively humid to pleasant.


At 3:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Send me your snail mail address, ok? Zivjo!


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