Sunday, April 01, 2007

30 Years

No, the title does not refer to my age...

It is the age of the architectural firm I used to work at though. I was there 1989-1999.

They had a big celebration a couple weeks ago and I made the trip to their new office. The last time I was through and visited--before the move--they were packed in like sardines.

When I started out at the firm, there were 7 of us. Six of which are still at the firm. That was about all that could fit in the old location. We had no large conference room or breakroom for that matter. The firm needed to expand (by this point there were 8 on staff), but there was no room. So, we moved across the alley into a new building. Three more people were hired on immediately and it slowly built until the staff numbered over 30.

Initially, it felt like we had all the room in the world--particularly compared to the previous location. So, it was really strange for me to be in the office when this was no longer the case.

Someone asked me if I missed working there. It's been a while and I couldn't relate to the new space. I look back fondly on my days there. It's been 7.5 years since I left and I've moved twice--across the country and back.

There were a lot of people there who I hadn't seen in years (clients, consultants, vendors). I saw more gray hair than when I left (unfortunately that applies to me as well).

It's nice to go back and visit.


At 10:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was nice to see you at our new office Susan.



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