Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Crazy Yard Lady

Last summer I bought a beautiful Arts and Crafts style bungalow located in an established neighborhood. Established means that it's in a neighorhood with lots of old homes (mine was built in 1923) and big trees.

One of the selling points was the yard. Nice lawn and plantings around the home. Big tree in the backyard...

The previous place I owned was a condo. So, I never got to experience the joys of lawn maintenance.

I am more than making up for this now.

Recently, I announced to my friends that I believe I am turning into a crazy yard lady. Between prowling the yard with weed killer and using "Lawn Patch", I'm on a mission to having a lush green lawn.

I spent this past weekend of beautiful warm weather landscaping the front corner of my lawn. The grass on this part of my yard--on a hill with full sun exposure--didn't survive last summer's extreme heat and drought-like conditions. So, 26 Phlox plugs and 2-1/2 bags of mulch later, problem solved. At least I hope it is, fingers are crossed that all the plantings "take".

Next came anxiety when I spotted rabbits frolicking in my hostas, wondering if they would make their way over to the Phlox for a nibble.

Rabbit anxiety was soon replaced by frost anxiety as a Spring frost was predicted. So, I was out the night the temp's were due to drop covering my hardwork with 3 sheets.

I suppose there are worse things to get hooked on than maintaining and beautifying one's yard.


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